September 20, 2020
If you are reading this, you are being called to awaken within.

If you are reading this, you are being called to awaken within.

September 14, 2020
Seven Billion…

Seven Billion…

September 13, 2020
Eternity - by Kevin Harrell

Eternity - by Kevin Harrell

February 8, 2018

Anonymous asked: What are your favorite books to use for blackout poetry?

Still, my all-time favorite book for blackout poetry is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. 

February 8, 2018

Anonymous asked: Can you customise a blackout poetry for me if I submit it to you? I have the poem but i can't manage to make it in blackout poetry

Hi, sure I could give it a shot, send me a message with your email and I’ll get in touch. :)

August 25, 2017
Imagine - A Blackout Poem by Kevin Harrell
It’s good to get back into it. More to come! :)

Imagine  - A Blackout Poem by Kevin Harrell

It’s good to get back into it. More to come! :)

May 31, 2016
“ Powerful and Helpless - Blackout Poem by Kevin Harrell


Powerful and Helpless - Blackout Poem by Kevin Harrell

(via blackoutpoetry)

February 17, 2016

Anonymous asked: Could you do a poem from the Great Gatsby?

Sounds like a cool idea. I’ll try.

February 17, 2016

Anonymous asked: hey my planning teacher used one of your pieces on the back of our autobiography assignment just thought i'd let you know

Hey that’s cool. Did he give any credit just curious. I’d like to see it.

February 7, 2016
““Absent Things As If They Are Present. A History Of Literature Created By Erasure, Collage, Omission, And Wite-Out”
Nice long piece by Jeannie Vanasco this month in The Believer (now on Tumblr!) about writing by erasure. A lot of the...


“Absent Things As If They Are Present. A History Of Literature Created By Erasure, Collage, Omission, And Wite-Out”

Nice long piece by Jeannie Vanasco this month in The Believer (now on Tumblr!) about writing by erasure. A lot of the artists mentioned (Tom Phillips, Mary Ruefle, Thomas Jefferson…) will be familiar to anybody who’s read the history chapter of Newspaper Blackout. (Unfortunately, Blackout was not one of the texts mentioned.)1

What I like about the piece is that unlike some writers who take an apologetic or condescending tone towards erasures, Vanasco actually champions the form:

Why erase the works of other writers? The philosophical answer is that poets, as Wordsworth defines them, are “affected more than other men by absent things as if they were present.” The More practical answer: compared to writing, erasing feels easy.

But I am here to convince you: to erase is to write, style is the consequence of the writer’s omissions, and the writer is always plural.

To erase is to leave something else behind.

Like Kenneth Goldsmith, Vanasco even uses the form in her creative writing class at NYU (here’s the PDF of the syllabus)

the motto of Modernism, Ezra Pound’s “Make it new,” is a translation of Confucius who borrowed it from Emperor T’ang who inscribed on his bathtub “Every day make it new.” I want you to take existing poems and stories by other writers and make these works new. How? By making them your own. How? By imitating their styles.

She points to Allen Ginsberg, who was very open about his influences:

Ginsberg shows us that by imitating the style of other writers, as well as by resisting them, a writer develops his or her own style. Erasure is simply an exaggerated form of writing. “We say that an author is original when we cannot trace the hidden transformation that others underwent in his mind,” Valery wrote. “What a man does either repeats or refutes what someone else has done—repeats it in other tones, refines or amplifies or simplifies it.” But instead of concealing or denying their influences, erasurists acknowledge that they have come from somewhere, not nowhere, and make clear the chaotic process of creating art.

It’s a great piece — anybody who’s interested in Newspaper Blackout or Steal Like An Artist will enjoy it.

  1. I heard later from Jeannie that Newspaper Blackout was part of a section that had to be cut due to length. :) 

(via kevinharrell)

December 15, 2013
“ What if - Blackout poetry by Kevin Harrell. This is my first piece in about 7 months and it sure feels good to get back into it.


What if - Blackout poetry by Kevin Harrell. This is my first piece in about 7 months and it sure feels good to get back into it.

December 15, 2013
"There are poems
inside of you
that paper can’t

— Y.Z (via rustyvoices)

(via spycnsweet)

December 15, 2013

chasingpavements-13 asked: Could you maybe add a tag to your posts with the title of the book or other source you blacked out?

Well I have only a vague recollection of what source most of my old blackout poems were made from but in general I source a lot from Dear Abby newspaper articles, Rolling Stones music reviews, and The Alchemist. But I will add tags for future poems, thanks.

December 14, 2013

take-me-to-themountains asked: Hey, I love your work, it's a such a pleasure reading your blackouts :) I started doing some myself a couple of days back actually. They're on my blog. Could you check them out perhaps? Some tips would be welcome (even though it is creative expression, there's no one way of doing it)

Hey thanks a lot I appreciate it. I’m glad you started doing some of your own and I actually went looking for them on your blog but couldn’t find them. Send me a link maybe?

December 14, 2013

harveymilkmustache asked: Hi, your blog reminded me of a blackout poem I saw a while ago and I know this is probably a long shot, but I'm wondering if you know what it's called/where I can find it. It was a report about the state of the environment, but everything negative was blacked out to make it look positive and like everything was just fine. Thanks for your time!

Hey there! I am not familiar with the piece you are talking about unfortunately but I like the sound of it :)